2025-26 ASG General Election
Join us for the 2025-26 General Election Announcement at the Union Mall on Monday, March 17th, at 12:45 PM!
What we do
ASG supports a number of campus programs and initiatives while allocating approximately $250,000 to Registered Student Organizations each year. The Associated Student Government is split into three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The three branches work together to strive for the betterment of the organization and the University of Arkansas as a whole.
Past ASG initiatives include the free scantrons for students (located in our office!), the University Perspectives class, and complimentary access to The New York Times.
Our Executive branch leads the organization, is largely directly elected by the students, and includes the Cabinet.
Our Senate represents every academic college, is directly elected, and focuses on writing legislation and resolutions impacting student life.
Our Judicial branch oversees elections, upholds the Code and Constitution, and presides over any election-related or internal complaints.
Office of Financial Affairs
OFA allocates over $250,000 to Registered Student Organizations to support student leadership and encourage programs.
Freshman Leadership Forum
FLF is a competitive, freshman-only membership program that introduces freshmen to campus leadership and involvement opportunities.
Connect with us!
Check out our social media for regular events, updates, and more.

Let’s get to know each other!
We’d love to hear from you! Questions, comments, concerns, we’re open to it all.