Boss Hog Outfitters (BHO) is the campus career closet, where students can borrow professional clothing for job fairs, interviews, and presentations at no cost. Both men’s and women’s attire is available in a variety of sizes and styles, as well as padfolios, binders, and folders that might be of use to students. BHO encourages students to be prepared for and confident in professional settings and dress accordingly. BHO has maintained a strong relationship with the Career Development Center, collaborating on career fairs and other student outreach programs.
The Boss Hog Outfitters closet is located on the second floor of the Union in room 200B, near the gym. The ASG Restore is also located in this space. To learn more about the closet, browse the selection of clothes, and request items, please visit BHO’s official website, bho.uark.edu. Contact the director of Boss Hog Outfitters, Grace Martin, at asgcab2@uark.edu.