Health Week

There will be one event per day for each day of Health Week. Specific events will be added later as we get more details.

Health Week: Healthy Living Panel

Three panelists representings UREC, Chartwells, and CAPS will speak about how to incorporate exercise into a busy college schedule, navigate eating healthfully on campus, and maintain a good relationship with roommates, respectively.

Senate Meetings

WJWH 0427

Let your voice be heard! Come to the ASG Senate meeting every Tuesday at 6pm in WJWH 427

Health Week: Movie – Perks of Being A Wallflower

ASG has partnered with University Programs to host a screening of Perks of Being a Wallflower on Tuesday, October 25th,  in order to increase awareness about mental health issues and overcome the stigma associated with them.  This event will take place in the UP Theater in the Union starting at 6:30pm.

Athletics Town Hall (Invite Only)

ASG will be hosting an Athletics Town Hall, with support from staff in the Vice Chancellor for Intercollegiate Athletics office, on Wednesday 10/26. The focus of this town hall is to discuss with students who do not regularly attend athletic events what factors contribute to their experience

Health Week: Paws and De-Stress

A local animal shelter is bringing a few dogs for students to interact with in order to de-stress.  Some representatives from CAPS will be there as well to provide students with information concerning techniques that can be used to de-stress and the importance of stress management.  This event will take place from 11:00 am until […]