The Graduate and Professional Student Congress is now accepting applications for Executive Officers and At-Large Representatives. These applications are open to graduate and professional students.

Interested application can apply online application on HogSync at starting Monday, March 26th at 9:00am CT. All applications close Friday, April 6, 2018 at 12:00pm CT (noon)

Applicants should review the following information sheet regarding the election: GPSC 2018 Elections Information

Candidates for GPSC Executive Offices are required to submit a Campaign Expenditure Form by the GPSC Inauguration. The form can be found at: GPSC 2018 Campaign Expenditure Form


All applicants that are cleared to run in the election will be expected to adhere to the GPSC Elections Code, Code of Conduct, and Ethics Code. These can be reviewed at the following links:

GPSC Election Complaints can be submitted using the following form: GPSC 2018 Elections Violation Form

GPSC Applications can be submitted at