To the University of Arkansas Student Body,

Earlier today, our friends at Mississippi State University (MSU) were faced with what was thought to be an active shooter situation on their campus. Thankfully, there have been no reported injuries and the MSU police have the alleged gunman in custody. Our support is with them as they move forward.

While the situation was resolved quickly and without injury or any fatalities, it is certainly a reminder that no campus or student body is immune to these types of dangerous situations. The Associated Student Government (ASG) at the University of Arkansas is fully committed to making the U of A campus the safest that it can possibly be.

The University of Arkansas Police Department (UAPD) recently released a video that fully details safety protocol in the event that an active shooting should occur. ASG encourages all students, faculty, and staff to watch this video and to adhere to the three primary safety procedures, which are:

  1. Avoid
  2. Deny
  3. Defend

Link to video here.

We have full faith that UAPD and the university’s safety resources will continue to do an excellent job in preventing such dangerous events from reaching our campus, but it is important that we all educate ourselves on this matter in the event that we are faced with a similar situation. Students are reminded to turn on RazAlert notifications through their Integrated Student Information Systems (ISIS) account. We are proud of the proactive measures that the University of Arkansas has taken thus far, and their continued commitment to campus safety.


The Associated Student Government

Questions can be referred to ASG President Tanner Bone at