The Associated Student Government is proud to announce the first Sexual Assault Awareness Day on November 4th, 2015. Sexual Assault is an issue that affects not only our campus and community but those all around the nation. ASG is proud to work with other student organizations such as Volunteer Action Center, Residents’ Interhall Congress, Kappa Alpha Order, and Pi Beta Phi to bring awareness to the UofA.
The afternoon will include tabling events from 11:00AM – 2:00PM where students can take the university’s Sexual Assault Awareness pledge and learn more about the issue.
At 6:00PM in Hillside Auditorium, ASG will host its second RED Talk “RED Talk goes Teal” that will bring in educational speakers to discuss the aspects of Sexual Assault and how it affects students and community members. Additionally, The City of Fayetteville’s Mayor, Lioneld Jordan, will be presenting a proclamation at the beginning of the talk.
All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to wear teal in support of Sexual Assault Awareness Day.
We encourage every Arkansan to commit to ending Sexual Assault by taking the pledge which can be found here.