Message from Connor Flocks, ASG President

The following message comes from ASG President Connor Flocks regarding the recent loss of University of Arkansas student Cole Pangburn. A text-only version of the statement can be found below. We are devastated by the loss of a fellow student, friend, and valued...

Vote in Fall Vacancy Election

The 2016 ASG Vacancy Election will run from 9:00am on Tuesday 9/6/2016 until 4:00pm on Thursday 9/8/2016. This election will determine the students who will serve in the Senate as well as the Graduate Student Congress. Vacancy Election Ballot: CLICK HERE (The same...

Apply for ASG Fall Vacancy Elections

Click the links below to access the materials for the Fall 2016 Vacancy Election Fall-Vacancy-Election-Packet-2016 Link to Graduate Student Congress Representative Application – Link to Senate Application –...

2016-2017 ASG Executive Officer Run-Off Election Results

Thank you to all students that participated in last week’s Executive Officer Run-Off Election.  With more than 3,000 students voting, we had another record turnout! The final results of the run-off election are listed below; the winner of each election is...

ASG General Election Complaint/Appeal

On Friday, March 18, the Office of Student Activities (OSA) received an appeal regarding the election results confirmed and announced by the ASG Judiciary; specifically, this appeal related to the candidates for Secretary and Treasurer that would move forward to a...