Legislation 2024-2025
SR10 A Resolution to Establish an ASG Joint Committee on Housing Advocacy
SR5 A Resolution Expressing Student Concern Regarding ACCESS
SB9 A Bill Regarding a Proposed Change to the Syllabus Policy
SR3 A Resolution to Require NARCAN Training for Students
SB7 A Bill to Reform Senate Leadership Council
SB4 A Bill To Standardize the Presidential Veto Reconsideration Process in Senate
SR1 A Resolution to Support the Establishment of a University Holiday on Election Day
SB5 OFA Standing Rules – Voting Breakdown
Passed Legislation 2022-2023
- ASG Senate Bill No. 1 – Standing Rules of 2022-2023
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 – Office of Financial Affairs Standing Rules
- ASG Senate Bill No. 3 – A Funding Bill to Purchase Scantrons for Student Use
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 1 – A Resolution to Support the Development of a University Holiday on Election Day
- ASG Senate Bill No. 4 – A Bill to Establish a Parliamentary Procedure System for ASG Senate
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 3 – A Resolution to Improve Online Safety Resources
- ASG Senate Bill No. 6 – A Bill to Establish a Diversity & Inclusion Committee Within ASG
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 4 – A Resolution to Add “Made Without Gluten” Labels on the Dine on Campus App
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 5 – A Resolution in Support of Inclusive T-Shirt Sizing
- ASG Senate Bill No. 7 – The ASG Office of Financial Affairs Standing Rules of 2022-2023
- ASG Senate Bill No. 8 – The Senate Research Committee Reform Act of 2023
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 6 – A Resolution Addressing Pedestrian Safety
Passed Legislation 2021-2022
For a detailed voting record of this year, click here.
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 1 – A Resolution to Support the Creation of a Centralized Research Opportunity Database
- ASG Senate Bill No. 1 – Standing Rules of 2021-2022
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 – A Bill to Establish a Mentorship Program within Senate
- ASG Senate Bill No. 3 – A Funding Bill to Purchase Scantrons for Student Use
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 2 – A Resolution Supporting the Addition of AED Kits in Residence Halls
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 3 – A Resolution to Allow Self-Defense, CPR, and First Aid Training for Resident Assistants
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 4 – A Resolution Supporting the Addition of Content Warnings & Resources to all University of Arkansas Police Department Safety Alerts, RazALERTS, and Emergency Messages to the Student Body
- ASG Senate Bill No. 4 – A Bill to Update the Executive Officer Payment in the ASG Code
- ASG Senate Bill No. 5 – A Bill to Update and Codify Cabinet Leadership
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 5 – A Resolution to Fund Scholarships for Afghan Evacuees
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 6 – A Resolution Regarding a Proposed Change to Homecoming Royalty
- ASG Senate Bill No. 6 – A Bill to Amend the Code to Establish a New Operational Research Committee
- ASG Senate Bill No. 7 – A Funding Bill to Purchase Additional Scantrons for Student Use
- ASG Senate Bill No. 8 – A Bill to Create the Annual Student Safety Bill
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 8 – A Resolution to Support Priority Registration for Veterans, G.I. Students, and ROTC Students
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 9 – A Resolution to Support the Prohibition of the Requirement of Homecoming Pomping
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 10 – A Resolution Supporting the Implementation of Informational Sexual/Relationship Violence Stickers in Restroom Stalls of New and Renovated Campus Buildings
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 12 – A Resolution to Include EMPOWER Students in Senior Walk
- ASG Senate Bill No. 10 – The Student Safety Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 11 – A Funding Bill Supporting the Allocation of Funding for Students Living in Residence Halls
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 14 – A Resolution to Support GPSC Resolution 04-08
Passed Legislation 2020-2021
For a detailed voting record of this year, click here.
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 1 – A Resolution To Expand Students and Faculty the Opportunity To Vote
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 2 – A Resolution To Support GPSC Resolution 3-1
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 3 – A Resolution Supporting the Expansion of the Grade Forgiveness Policy in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 4 – A Resolution to Support the Creation of the ReUse Room
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 5 – A Resolution to Support Access Pass Visibility on UAConnect
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 6 – A Resolution to Waive In-Person Attendance Requirement and Replace COVID-19 Academic Flexibility Request Form
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 7 – A Resolution to Advocate for CAPS Information on Syllabi
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 9 – A Resolution to Require Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Curriculum Within the University Perspectives Course and Its Equivalencies
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 13 – A Resolution Supporting Safer Traffic Measures
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 14 – A Resolution to Support Solar Panel Projects on Campus
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 15 – A Resolution to Implement GivePulse Training in First-Year Programs
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 17 – A Resolution to Support the Re-Opening of Professional Photo Sessions by the Career Development Center
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 18 – A Resolution to Implement Gender Inclusive Housing
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 19 – A Resolution of Support for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Impacted by Heightened Hate Crimes During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recent Mass Shooting
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 20 – A Resolution in Support of Transgender Students and Transgender Healthcare and in Opposition to HB1570 and Other Transphobic Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 21 – A Resolution to Remove Racist Affiliated Legacies at the University of Arkansas on School Property
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 22 – A Resolution to Support Requiring the COVID-19 Vaccine for the Fall 2021 Semester
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 23 – A Resolution to put Title IX Filers in Contact with U of A Cares and to Allow for Two-Week Academic Deadline Extensions
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 24 – A Resolution to Encourage the Elimination of Union Technology Charges for Registered Student Organizations
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 25 – A Resolution to Change Parking Policies at The University of Arkansas
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 26 – A Resolution to Support Faculty Senate Resolution to Extend Face Covering Requirements
- ASG Senate Bill No. 1 – Standing Rules of 2020-2021
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 – The Voting Reform Act of 2020
- ASG Senate Bill No. 3 – A Funding Bill to Support the Bud Walton Voting Center
- ASG Senate Bill No. 4 – The Campaign Ticket Reform Act of 2020
- ASG Senate Bill No. 5 – Bill to Expand Senator Outreach to Their Constituents
- ASG Senate Bill No. 7 – A Bill to Fund Masks in Dorms to Protect Students’ Health and Finances
- ASG Senate Bill No. 8 – A Bill to Change Associated Student Government Code Section 16 Article D
- ASG Senate Bill No. 9 – The ASG Standing Rules Presentation Bill of 2021
- ASG Senate Bill No. 10 – The Senate Legislative Reform Act of 2021
- ASG Senate Bill No. 11 – A Funding Bill to Provide Solar Lighting to Campus Bus Shelters
- ASG Senate Bill No. 12 – A Funding Bill to Support Open Education Resources at the University of Arkansas
Passed Legislation 2019-2020
- ASG Senate Standing Rules
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 1
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 2
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 3
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2
- ASG Senate Bill No. 3
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 4
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 5
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 6
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 7
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 8
- ASG Senate Bill No. 4
- ASG Senate Bill No. 5
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 9
- ASG Senate Proclamation No.2
- ASG Senate Bill No. 8
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 10
- ASG Senate Bill No. 7
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 11
Passed Legislation 2018-2019
- Senate Budget
- ASG SR 2 A Resolution to Support the Expansion of the Title IX Office
- ASG SR 1 A Resolution to Support the Re-drafting of University Absence Policy
- The Expenditure Cap Reformation Act of 2018-2019
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 Flu Vaccine Awareness
- ASG Senate Bill No. 1- Standing Rules of 2018-2019
- Senate Bill No. 3- Bill Funding Student Shuttles to the Airport for Winter Break
- Senate Resolution No. 3- Nolan Richardson Legislation
- Senate Bill No. 4- Scantron Bil
- ASG Senate Resolution 4 A resolution to amend Regulations for the Use of Bicycles around Campus
- ASG Senate Resolution 5 A Resolution to Support the Expansion of the Definition of Discrimination in The Code of Student Life and to Provide Reporting Resources
- A Resolution Supporting Student Concessions Specials at Sporting Events
- A Resolution to Support CAPS Let’s Talk Program
- ASG SB No. 7 Helmet Safety
- ASG Student Resolution No.7 Flex Dollars at Sporting Events
- ASG SR 8 Resolution to Support the Consolidation and Reduction of Waste in the Union Food Court
- ASG SR No. 10 Student Fee
- ASG SB No. 6 Campaign Finance
- Parking Proposal
- A Resolution Supporting Linkedin Photo Opportunities at Career Development Center
- A-Resolution-Supporting-Decreasing-Campus-Food-Insecurity
- GRACE PERIOD Resolution
- Resume Printing Bill
- ASG SB 11 International Seat
- A Resolution Supporting Food Service in Mullins
- ASG SB No. 9-A Bill Clarifying the “Prefer not to respond” option in ASG Elections
- ASG SR No. 15 A Resolution Supporting Crosswalk Improvements
- ASG JR No. 1 Menstrual Equity For All Act, Joint Resolution
- ASG SR No. 16 Anti-Slavery Resolution
- ASG SB No. 10 A Bill Funding Narcan Training
- ASG SR No. 18 Walk the Xtra Mile Resolution
- ASG SB No. 12 Investigations Committee
- ASG SR No. 19 New Student Orientation Geared Towards Spanish-Speaking Heritages Resolution
- ASG SB No 14. The Spreading the Health Bill
- ASG SR No. 20 A Resolution Encouraging the Re-drafting of University Absence Policy
- ASG SR No. 21 Eating Disorder Awareness Resolution
- ASG SR No. 22 Natural Hair Protection
- ASG SR No. 23 Inclement Weather
- OFA SR Spring 2019
- ASG SB No. 13 Bill to Provide Funding for CAPS Play Day Event
- ASG SB No. 15 A Bill to sponsor ASG Senate Promotional items at Springtime of Youth 2019
- ASG SB No. 16 A Bill to Fund Tabling for the “Walk the Xtra Mile” Homeless March
- ASG SB No. 17 A Bill Funding the Updating of Mullins Post-Undergraduate Admissions Test Preparation Material
- Grad Admissions Test Resources
- ASG SB No. 18 Scantron Bill 2019
- ASG SB No. 19 Senate Day Bill
Passed Legislation 2017-2018
- ASG Joint Bill No. 1 OFA Standing Rules
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 8 Brough A Go-Go Resolution
- ASG Senate Bill No. 4 A Bill Funding Programming for Student Safety
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 7 A Resolution to Support the Creation of An Enrollment Notification System
- ASG Senate Bill No. 3 Scantron Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 Appendix
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 A Bill to Concerning a Committee to Improve ASG External Relations within the Student Body
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 5 A Resolution to Support the Creation of a Graduate and Professional School Test Prep Fair
- ASG Senate Resolution No.6 The Good Samaritan Overdose Prevention Resolution
- ASG Senate Resolution No.4 A Resolution to Reaffirm Support for Diversity and Inclusion
- ASG JR No. 3 HeForShe
- Senate Bill No. 1 Constitution and Code Committee Act
- ASG Resolution No. 3 Crosswalk Installment on Arkansas Ave
- ASG JR No. 1 The Old Main Oath Enshrinement
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 1- Standing Rules of 2017-2018
- ASG Budget 2017-2018
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 2 Arkansas Union Food Court Expansion Act
- ASG SB No. 5 Bill to Enshrine Old Main Oath on the Union
- ASG SR No. 09 A Resolution to Support the Replacement of the Student Travel Video
- ASG SR No. 10 A Resolution to Support the Dedication of the Bud Walton Arena Basketball Court to Nolan Richardson
- ASG SB No. 6 A Bill Supporting the All Careers Fair
- ASG SB No. 7 The Power to the People Bill
- ASG SB No. 8 HeForShe Funding
- ASG SB No. 9 Funding the Expansion of Union Bus Station WiFi
- ASG SB No.9 Wi-Fi Estimate
- ASG SR No. 12 Support the Charter of Free Food Mobile App
- ASG SR No. 13 Resolution to Improve the Stadium Dr. and Maple St. Curb
- ASG SR No. 14 Scantrons Continued
- ASG JR. 4
- ASG SB. No 10 The XX Act of 2018 to Fund a Bus Shelter in Remote Lot 99
- ASG SR No. 15 A Resolution to Support Zero Waste and Carbon Neutrality
- ASG SR No. 16 A Resolution to Support the Razorback Action Group in Combating the Opioid Epidemic
- ASG SR No. 17 A Resolution to Support the Restructuring of the University Perspectives Course Into A Diversity Course
- ASG SR No. 18 A Resolution Supporting the Expansion of the Grade Forgiveness Policy
- ASG SR No. 19 Jewish Student Legislation
- ASG JR No. 5 Polling Stations
- ASG SR No. 19 Jewish Student Legislation
- ASG Constitution
- ASG SR No. 21 A Resolution Supporting Campus Lighting
- ASG Code
- ASG SR. No 23 A Resolution Supporting the Adoption of the Slogan “Students First” -ty9ta3
Passed Legislation 2016-2017
ASG Senate Bill No. 1 The ASG Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget Act
- ASG Senate Bill No. 2 The Donna Axum Fitness Center Dumbbell Replacement Funding Act of 2016
- ASG Senate Bill No. 3- Associated Student Government Old Main Oath Funding Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 4- Scooter Safety Awareness Senate Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 5- Save Senior Walk Funding Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 6- Officer of the Year Funding
- ASG Senate Bill No. 7- Recycle Funding Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 8- FPAC Legislation
- ASG Senate Bill No. 9- UREC Funding Bill- Updated 2
- ASG Senate Bill No. 11- Razorback Transit Bill- Updated
- ASG Senate Bill No. 12- Spanish Funding Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 13- Lot 17 Light pole Funding Bill
- ASG Senate Bill No. 14- CAPS Funding Bill (Amended)
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 1- Standing Rules of 2016-2017
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 2-The Legislative Outreach Act
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 3- The Legislative Transparency Act of 2016
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 4- Electronic Limitation in Senate
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 5- Safety Resource Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 6- Safe Ride Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 7- Airport Shuttle Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 8- Save Senior Walk Initiative
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 9- Campus Carry Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 10- Good Samaritan
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 11- The Officer Recognition Act of 2017
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 12- Lot 17 Lighting
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 13- UA Cares Food Insecurity Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 14- Campus Lighting to Student Poll
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 15- Reynolds Parking Lot
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 16- Committement to HPER Expansion
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 17- OER Award
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 18- IE Logo
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 19- Pocket Points Legislation
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 20- Cycling Improvement
- ASG Senate Resolution No. 21- Closing Time
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 1- Confederate Flag Resolution
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 2- Student Leave
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 3- Open educational Resource Legislation
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 4 On Campus Voting Center
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 5- Veterans Educational Interests
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 6- The Pangburn Safety Awareness Act of 2016
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 7- The Razorback Family Act
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 8- Campus Climate Survey
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 9- UAConnect Student Life Issue Survey Resoluti…
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 10- Arkansas Union Improvement Act of 2017 (Amended)
- ASG Joint Resolution No. 11- Lactation Room Policy
- ASG Joint Bill No. 1- FY17 ASG Budget
- ASG Joint Bill No. 2- ASG OFA Standing Rules
- ASG Joint Bill No. 3- Campign Reformation Act of 2016-17
- ASG Joint Bill No. 5- International Seat
- ASG Joint Bill No. 6- FLF Coordinator Selection Amendment
- ASG Joint Bill No. 7-Equal Representation Act of 2017 Updated
- ASG Joint Bill No. 8- Refendum Initiative
- ASG Joint Bill No. 9- Let Grads Go
- ASG Joint Bill No. 10- OFA Standing Rules Spring 2017
Failed Legislation 2016-2017
Passed Legislation 2015-2016
- ASG Senate Res. No. 1 – The ASG Senate Standing Rules Act of 2015-2016
- ASG Senate Bill No. 1 – The Chancellor’s Ball Funding Act of 2015
- ASG OFA Standing Rules 2016-2017-2
- ASG Senate Bill No. 6 – The Sustainability Week Funding Act of 2016-2
- ASG Senate Bill No 7 – The Health Week Funding Act of 2016
ASG Applications Now Open: Executive & Judicial Branch
The Associated Student Government is accepting applications for five different areas of student leadership. More information on each of these positions can be found in the Newswire article “Apply Now for ASG 2018-19 Leadership Positions”. Office of Financial...
2018-2019 ASG General Election Runoff Results (Official)
Voting for the 2018 General Election Runoff took place from March 27 through March 29. As a reminder, this runoff election was held to decide the offices of ASG President, Vice President, and Secretary. The office of ASG Treasurer was decided in the original...
Applications Now Open: GPSC Executive & At-Large Representative
The Graduate and Professional Student Congress is now accepting applications for Executive Officers and At-Large Representatives. These applications are open to graduate and professional students. Interested application can apply online application on HogSync at...
2018-2019 ASG General Election – Executive Results (Official)
Voting for the 2018 General Election took place from March 5 through March 7. Since that time, the ASGJ has worked quickly to address all eleven election complaints filed, review all candidates’ expenditure reports, and verify final vote totals and results. The...
2018-2019 ASG General Election – Senate Results (Official)
At this time, the ASG Judiciary is prepared to announce the OFFICIAL results of the 2018 ASG General Election for Senate. Below are the official results and vote counts for this election. The ASG Judiciary would like to thank all...
2018-2019 Chair of Senate Election Results
At the March 6, 2018 ASG Senate meeting, the assembled Senators voted for their next Chair of Senate. The Chair of Senate is unique among the ASG executive offices because the chairperson is elected by the current Senators to lead the body the next year. This year...
Vote Today: ASG General Elections
The below story originally ran in the university newswire at https://news.uark.edu/articles/41183/vote-today-asg-general-elections March 05, 2018 Voting for the 2018 ASG General Elections begins at 9 a.m. Monday, March 5. Voting will conclude at 4 p.m. Wednesday,...
ASG Statement on Racist Social Media Post by UofA Student
This afternoon ASG President Shared the Following Message with members of ASG: All, These are my remarks regarding the recent social media post: ASG Statement ASG is currently working with NPHC and Black Students Association to construct a Town Hall Debate to...
GSC Vacancy & GPSC Referendum Official Results
Listed below are OFFICIAL results for the Spring Vacancy Election. This election was for vacant Representative seats in the Graduate Student Congress (GSC). These numbers reflect all submission types (paper and electronic). ASGJ has certified this election after...